I thought about making a review for this but, let's be honest here, it's a South Park game Trey Parker and Matt Stone crafted with help from Obsidian, with influences from Paper Mario and Earthbound, with a bit of Zelda and Skyrim thrown in, that can last up to 12-22 hours, a feat I was able to do by starting it yesterday for said 12 hours and then finished this evening. Your feelings on it is already pre-determined from the get-go just from that explanation.

I was pretty much feeling the urge to revisit something related to the IP since I remembered my fondness for the first... 7 or 8 seasons of it, and this was a good way to satiate that urge. A lot of my positives (the writing, the presentation and pacing, the way this game is organized to break with the right amount of effort and battles containing a fun rhythm in them) and negatives (being overly simple despite all that and putting it on Hardcore difficulty, dungeons being lukewarm, hit-and-miss side content) are more or less the same when I first played this several years ago. I suppose another thing that's changed is that I didn't laugh as frequently, but this is less of a fault on the game's humor and more so me just not finding it funny enough to respond to it... if that makes sense. Like, I recognize the funny and how the structure of said funny is well done, I just don't laugh at it, ya know?

If nothing else it was also a good way to ease up on my burnout. I have to watch the post-COVID specials, as well as the movie, at some point too, I haven't bothered with those yet and I'm not sure why. If you want my favorite moments from this, they're Night 2, a majority of the Girls' Quest, and the sewers.

Reviewed on Jun 05, 2023


10 months ago

I really recommend the movie, it knows well that is stupid and irreverente, and in turno has some really funny and even nice moments , tho as always, everyone has his opinions ok it, I just happen to like It quite a bunch.

Amazing review as always! I need to re-play this one of these days, if only just to beat a certain wizard once again xD.

10 months ago

@DeemonAndGames yea, Trey & Matt are also noted musical fans and I know a friend that vouches for it and Team America, so I'm expecting some entertainment if nothing else.

The classes in this are really funny, especially with how the Jew is far and away the best option since 3 of their 5 abilities can immensely cripple an enemy once fully upgraded. I also beat the shit out of Cartman because that's always a fun past time.

10 months ago

I have a personal theory I still subscribe to that Matt and Trey played New Vegas when it came out and thought Bethesda made it until they realized it was Obsidian and had to deal with them instead. I dunno how else to explain why this sticks out so much in Obsidian's library to the point I keep forgetting they actually developed because it honestly could've been made by any other developer and the result would've roughly been the same more or less. Would explain the weird amount of Skyrim references too.

10 months ago

I'm not a fan of South Park at all. Tried to watch the post-COVID special and it really was just them making the same lame joke over and over and over again. Like, fuck, this special is an hour long, how did you guys manage to not write a second joke?