This game is pure nostalgia for me, its probably the game i remember most from my childhood. Playing it now as an adult i can say that it is pretty much as good as i remember.

The characters are all pulled straight out of comics and all feel like they fit nicely. Venom is the favorite here, he really feels like a kid coming and going when he wants. Pete even points out that his motives are bad because he knew that pete wasnt the fake spider man.

The game does fight itself at some points. This can make it difficult to do the things that you know you are supposed to do. One part of the game that this kept happening to me was the venom chase. I kept missing one swing because the game would auto target somehwere else and i would have to do the whole thing over again.

Overall this game is a solid title that holds up if you dont think too hard about it 7/10

Reviewed on Sep 30, 2023
