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April 17, 2023

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April 12, 2023

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The second half of Marth's story that never got released in the US, so I had to play a fan translation. Being similar to Shadow Dragon, another game I didn't enjoy very much, and coming off the heels of Path of Radiance, getting used to no Canto took time. Marth is still a sword locked foot locked Lord who can't reclass, but unlike my Shadow Dragon playthrough, I actually capped his level this time.

As a game, it does feel like New Mystery, like Shadow Dragon, hooks you up with the best units you can get early on, and while you get A LOT of units in this game, most aren't very good. It honestly feels like the game expects you to cannon fodder off some of these weakling units, especially with the number of weapons enemies drop on maps. These weapons do feel like they clutter up the convoy after a while, though.

Money, on the other hand, is pretty tight. Arenas aren't nearly as common this time to farm gold, along with the risk of losing units, the reward isn't too worth it. You don't even get the Silver Card until about halfway through the game, too, and most of your money will be spent on Silver weapons since they start giving them to you fairly early.

But let's address the elephant in the room, the New Mystery content, seeing as this is a remake of FE3. I had no real issues with the prologue chapters, barring the last one, which felt like an odd difficulty spike. The few extra chapters sprinkled in were...eh, I guess. They cut down your unit count to 5 or 7 in some cases, which was pretty bleh, but at the very least, there's more than one set of conditions to access them. It's also the only way to get Iote's Shield for one of your fliers, so good luck.

However, I now understand why people hate Corrin so much in Fates. Literally everyone sucks off Kris like they're some sort of second messiah, while Kris does the same to Marth. Keep in mind Marth's character is about the exact same as it was in Shadow Dragon, so Marth just kinda feels like a generic "good boy who does good" kind of character. At the very least, he didn't let his previous defeat of Medeus go to his head.

This game really ups the number of dragon enemies you fight, and with dragon slaying weapons not coming by too often, it did get a bit rough at times. Chapters 11-14 in particular weren't very fun due to the sheer damage output these dragons could put out. Please note I was playing on Classic, even though the option for Casual exists. At the same time, I was doing a no deaths run, so if any units died, including certain ones, I reset.

Speaking of which, mandatory units needed for the finale, one of which being a thief who doesn't reclass at all. That's just great. At the very least, Minerva and Sirius, who totally isn't Camus, are pretty usable. Characters just don't stay dead in this game, do they? Medeus comes back, Gharnef comes back, Camus isn't dead either.

Overall, my feelings about New Mystery are almost the same as with Shadow Dragon. It's alright, but there are better Fire Emblem games out there than this one. I do see a bit why this game never got released outside of Japan, though. Probably sales. Truly a shame we only got half of Marth's story in the US.