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(Imma start with I have jester privilege and anything bad or negative I say is allowed) but yeah hope I go off too hard on the hating or write too much but like I wouldn't be suprised if this game make me black out and write a 3000 word rant on my I think this is one of the worst games ever made and def one of my least favorite games of all time def a top 10 at least and how this is and the movie are actually a perfect example of fnaf fans and their taste I been saying after the movie came out and i watched it a year later that fnaf fans deserve less than less and deserve less than less cus they would eat up a game as shit equivalent to the movie and lil did know this game was exactly that like I knew it was shit since it came out ever since either was watching the behind the scenes developer shit outta spite "oh it actually took us a while day to show one of our new employees around the map" like now tf it didn't retard and if it did then it shows that not only are the fans slow but so are the creators but like I straight up think they lied about that shit so yeah when it came out all I knew was that it performed like shit on consoles like what's new and that anyone who's not a fnaf a.k.a not a loser retard thought it was meh so thas how I knew my hater brain was gon despise this game if I ever played it like the fnaf fans defending their steaming plate of hot garbage soaked in steaming and piss of a game didn't really give me much hope about this gane being worth it so I never really did more than watch vid on it and I liked Freddy and the sun/moon man and obviously how hot the wolf girl was like πŸ˜«πŸ˜΅β€πŸ’«πŸ˜΅πŸ˜©πŸ˜΅ and the same still holds up after I played so I'll give my positives first since there's so few I liked the mao and environment and how over the top it was like you got 100's of millions dollars worth of robots just made for cleaning spread out all across the plaza like this shit wouldn't exist in real life let alone in a universe where anything fnaf related causes 2 billion children dying but I'm sure the creators didn't care and i respect that i loved the robots like their all great genuinely i love all of em like music man and his lil silly billys the main crew is great and their personalities while what lil they have is fun except Freddy since he's a main character obviously which while were on that topic I think them just being is like 80/20 cool and the stupidest shit ever like it gets rid alot of the scare factor of the other games since like half the reason their scary is cus they not supposed to be moving around sinc they just stationary robots and the only reason they do is cus they possessed n shit but like i also don't really care since this game is disgustingly terrible at being scary so even if they were possessed it wouldn't be any better and shit like that but yeah the two thing I ACTUALLY DEAD ASS LIKE WITH NO BUTS is freddy and the sun/moon dude like imma tell you as the number one fnaf and fnaf hater that glamrock freddy in my like top 15 game characters it gos to show just how good he is like yes his reactions to his dead friends that were killed basically by his hands and how their mutilated corpses are melded into him for upgrades are dogshit halfbaked never go anywhere and shouldn't have been mentioned let alone a "plot point" cus of how little impact it had on the story but like its not on hin this gane is shit hes great man like on paper making freddy a good guy main charcter with voice lines oast "hurr-hur hur hur-hurr hurr hurr hurr hurr hurr" sounds dumb its executed stupidly well like credit where its do shitwool studios cooked with freddy and the fact he never betrays gregory or turn bad or anything bad and genuinely loves him and will throw his life away so he gets to escape/live is so good man his voice actor is great too whoever he is i hope he gets or had had actually role instead if this dog urethra of game and the sun/moon charcter and sequence is so good man like πŸ”₯πŸ”₯ his voice and design and shit on both the sun/moon are so good man I died and got hella scared to the point of screaming like 3 times man like why they have sauce for a 20 minute part you cant even go back to i do like how if you try he screams at you and calls security thats funny and honestly was very surprised that the same dude voiced him and freddy like oh he voice s the ONLY TWO GOOD THINGS IN THIS GAME oh and the plaza voice guy being the exotic butter robot was very nostalgic goated addition aight back to hating on this rotting homeless dog corpse of a game yeah i hate just about everything about this game like ill start off with like it ran like shit and i was always lost but i assume the performance was cus it was the console version cus when i was in a conversation with this femboy who explained gay people to me he said it ran fine on pc so like i said not big issue in general imo i mean i grew up on a ps3 so yeah i also met my abusive boyfriend the week i started playing this game so that's very nice omen/coincidence not that i look back on it anyway not tryna get anymore suicidal rn cus off allat yeah me being lost is like 80% my fault and the rest are on the shit map and explanations but mostly a skill issues on my end so yeah everything in this game is shit like this game had a diarrhea core like theres no fun or anything fulfilling about it it's as filling as eating in a dream and waking up 3 seconds later like theres NOTHING i can say because thus game is NOTHING like its jist walking around with maybe some robots chasing you so they can jump scare since the fnaf franchise hasn't evolved past the PEEK-A-BOO level of horror since its a game for children or retarded people who haven't grown up since they were first able to bust a nut so nothing new and ghe gameplay revolve around running and hiding like the worst stealth I've ever played hands down to which can just be ignored if you hide in freddy whos battery can last long enough so you can get away like the only time it ran out on me is when i purposely wasted it so i can see what happens and like ofc its a jumpscare like why tf does he even do that it doesn't eve make sense in not making sense but whatever this gane fucking sucks any sequence that trys to be different suck like having to hide in a office and close doors sucked just like in the original games the sequence with the weeping angel robots coulda been scary if it was in a good game like I have no other words to say this game fucking stinks all the fucking time like i rented it for free but i still want my money back like the "story" sucked like there was nothing like if you have to earn the right have multiple ending with at least a decent story but no this game has like 10 ending with slight variations that each are equally bad and make the story more confusing and retarded than it already is like the only one thats okay which I think is canon since its the only ine actually animated instead of shitty drawn comic like wtf is up with fnaf and shitty art like scott smokes meth laced with dolphin semen when he picked some of his artists i swear like the posters are fire i love the wash you foreskin one i always walked right up to it and said remember to wash your foreskin and uncomfortably stand there for like a minute when my friend would watch me play it shit was funny and the freddy what happened SQUID GAMES was funny i remember that meme all the memes fork this game were funny af i still be saying white woman jumpscare when i see any sort of white person but yeah back to it the ending where you kill vannu/vannesa idk remember its retarded and freddy dies n shit that was sad i liked it but yeah this game stinks and honestly fnaf fans have earned they right to this kinda inedible slop stuffed with maggot filled animal guts of a game truely a hollow shell of nothing thats somehow with the most foul smelling nothing I've ever experienced and I hope i will never experience again same as final fantasy fans fnaf fans deserve and will always deserve less 1/10 fuc fnaf and its fans ong😾
but i hope the franchise will stay tryna use different formulas and gameplay i dont want every game to be based in one room anymore shit was never that good in the first place tbh I hope to see more of Roxanne tho many nuts have been busted in her honor so yeah😸