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Time Played

4h 15m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

December 31, 2021

Platforms Played


Penumbra: Overture was the studio's debut title, releasing amidst many other horror games in the late 2000s. It picked up a strong momentum through word of mouth and exposure in early gaming youtube. It is considered by many a classic of the indie horror genre. And it was the start of what was supposed to be an episodic series.

While it doesn't quite hit the nail in the head, it lays the foundations for mechanics and design choices that would become synonymous with Frictional Games.

It's far from perfect but remains very enjoyable. Memorable moments, the narrative (while dependent on its sequel) is a compelling mystery, and the atmosphere of the winding tunnels of the underground complex remains as gripping as ever.

[Full review at https://bluedemonarchive.blogspot.com/2022/01/review-penumbra-overture.html ]