The first 40 minutes of Bulletstorm will be the most god-awful boring shit you have ever played in your life. Hand-holding, aggressively scripted, QTE's every 15 seconds with the most try-hard edgy "Gearbox Certified" dialog. Pretty much every awful design trope of the time is in those 40 minutes.

But then, out of nowhere, it gets... good?

Once the game takes off the metaphorical leash of your neck and hands it to you as a weapon, an energy whip that enables some creative environmental kills, combat becomes a joy. And to top it off an arcade scoring system is in place to reward creative kills, that's just dopamine shots directly into my hypothalamus.

It has its shortcomings, the story is dogshit, but when measured against other COD killers of the time (like Homefront) Bulletstorm is far more creative and interesting. It's a unique curiosity well worth a play, especially if you are into oddities.

[ Full review at ]

Reviewed on Oct 23, 2022
