I have had an unorthodox exposure to the Metal Gear games. Played 2 when I was like 12 and just didn't get it. Played the NES game on an emulator in middle school and again didn't get it. I then skip ahead to Phantom Pain and loved it. But it belonged to a friend and only got through the first hour and a bit.

Now I'm gonna work my way all the way through. Long overdue but after beating Metal Gear Solid 1 I can say that while I think I would have liked them in highschool I'm glad to have such a fantastic series a head of me in my adult life.

The first game holds up incredibly well and despite a few things that have aged poorly it is still incredibly fun. Impressive for its time for sure. Great sense of humor. Goofy, over the top, soapy post cold war plot that is a lot of fun. Controls are dated but serviceable. Graphics are charming.


Reviewed on Mar 11, 2024
