Great kart racer propped up by TF2 community levels of mod support wherein only joining the lobby is what's required to play 99% of them. Controls weird at first until it doesn't, slightly awkward default controls (why is braking and look-behind basically swapped? lol) and a bunch of little UI stuff that adds up and bugs me (no way to make characters always default to their original palette, mini-map barely legible imo, most courses convey themselves frankly kind of terribly tho a lot of that is just modders hoping people will replay their tracks at least 3 times; courses that come stock with the game tho have this issue as well). REALLY not a fan of how this does the modern Mario Kart thing of "you touched grass for 0.3 seconds, you lose 70% of your speed!" The weapon selection also kinda sucks, and the game for some reason tops out at 1920x1200p and has a list of random arbitrary resolutions rather than what your monitor or OS reports. MILES better than All-Stars Racing/Transformed, all said.

So yknow, instantly adding it to the rotation of games me n my friends are gonna be playing probably until something directly replaces this. God bless the fan game community and Sonic Robo Blast 2/Kart devs.

Reviewed on Oct 18, 2022
