One of the shittier HD collections of the 7th gen, breaking a lot of audio cues, ruining the linework effect (implying it's just shittily emulating these games anyways as that's an age-old emulation error that was fixed over the last couple years in PCSX2, even when up-resing), and bafflingly changing the music from its iconic B-grade-yet-unique font and composition to this weirdly generic, less dynamic orchestral spin on them that ruins much of the atmosphere.

Kind of bewildering this collection sits at a cool 4.1 average, which I can only assume is just hyperfans propping it up. I hate "ports" like these, it makes something relatively unique in much of its presentation for its time feel so cheap. I guess the "mediocre 3D platformer" Youtube fandom would get a kick out of it that way.

Reviewed on Oct 20, 2022


1 year ago

I think that because this release is so old, people just forget the bad things about this release and instead think of the individual Sly Cooper games as a whole, thus the high rating. (Me included)

1 year ago

It wasn't too long ago that this game was frequently brought up on the short list of reasons to own a PS3, and while it's true that it would be decent library filler with serviceable content, the presentation of the trilogy here is a disservice to the original. It's the same reason I vehemently dislike Klonoa Phantasy Reverie, they're serviceable at best which is a massive disservice to the stellar (imo) originals.