Imagine a world where Magnavox and Atari didn't throw fits at each other both in patents and publicity over who made the first game, when both were beaten to the punch by nearly a full decade at minimum. This, itself, is debatably not even first, and depends on your definition; but in the traditional sense this might as well be, and it's significantly more complex than Pong and absolutely more complex than Magnavox's "games".

What pains me is that this, and Tennis for Two even, were documented and cited as early as the 80s and 90s publications, yet hardly anyone knows about it or even references it specifically in the context of pioneering video games.

If Pong is your grandfather, Spacewar! is the weird prehistoric lizard thing that would probably beat your grandfather up in a fight.

I highly recommend anyone watch Ahoy's video if you have even a passing interest in video game history.

Reviewed on Dec 22, 2022
