Me proving to the chuds hate-buying Hogwarts Legacy how NOT baited I am by talking about the game I constantly tell myself I'm not going to play for days on end.

Please for the love of god my fellow gamers shut the fuck up. Everyone with half a braincel knows how dogshit the world both inside and outside of HP is, a promising series with a strong start driven deep into the ground proportional to the author's ego rocketing into the stratosphere.

There's plenty to slam this game for, it's basically what people pretend a lot of other open-world AAA games are. In a way I almost have to thank this game for putting it into perspective how good we have it when the biggest complaint we have about the state of AAA development the last half decade (referring to 2015-2020) is that the open world ones "aren't as good as Skyrim" or whatever; until this came along, anyways.

Count your blessings when you see a Horizon: Third Subtitle or whatever reboot comes next, it can be and is so much worse. Keep playing the good or even "mid" stuff and stop feeding into the cancerous discourse that goes nowhere.

I'm determined to make 2023 my Year Of Kino, so I learned about it to brace for the inevitability of forced exposure from my family likely wanting to buy it because they're long-time HP fans. I encourage everyone to try as many genres and games as possible, keep an open mind about art, and stop deliberately letting the chuds live rent free in your head over stupid shit like Harold Trotter and the Flesh Eatin' Slug Repellent.

Reviewed on Feb 15, 2023
