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It's Fantasy Zone on the Mega Drive! Maybe "Mega Fantasy Zone" would've been a better title.

Anyway, this game does everything the arcade game did and a little more on top of that.
Cool things added include the Super Lights and Rubber Boots, the former of which improving your field of vision in the dark Risscave and the latter protecting you from the electric force field covering Le-Picker. You technically don't have to buy these, but if you doubt your chances of survival as often as I do then they're a must!

This is also the first Fantasy Zone where your special bombs have their own input, using the A button. Now there's more of a reason to actually want to use them, since you don't risk accidentally wasting them nearly as often.

The only really lame thing here I have to address is, again, the final bosses. It's not hard, but if you die against them you won't be able to go to the shop again or anything. They had a shop menu when starting Menone, so I'm not sure why they didn't have one here besides maybe wanting to mess with you.

So, yeah. Super Fantasy Zone. It's pretty super, alright.