Remember Me is a game that feels like it should be better than it is. There is something gripping under the surface here, underneath the just-okay combat and level design. A story of a world where human memory has become just another commodity, not even our minds safe from the prying eyes of corporations. This world is well designed, but Remember Me isn’t interested in letting you explore it. The memory remixing sections are a revelation, but a game all about the sanctity and importance of memory doesn’t seem to concern itself with the ethical dilemma of tampering with other people’s memories for your own gain. Dontnod crafted a world with interesting storytelling possibilities, but filled it with one-note, forgettable characters. It’s a game that deserved more than to be forgotten by the general public, but also one I can’t blame anyone for not finding it interesting enough to be worth their time.

Reviewed on Dec 28, 2023
