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Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

January 22, 2023

First played

January 21, 2023

Platforms Played


Absolutely rinsed this over the weekend, on my own, then with my daughter, then with my friend then with both of them. Insanely good fun, and a title that took me back to the 90's, stood by the arcade machines in awe. I wonder what 12 year old me would have thought if I had a deluxe version of that game playing on a TV screen 3 times the size of those old machines in my own home?

As a massive Streets of Rage fan, I've often thought that this genre of game hit its heights with SOR4 when that arrived a couple of years ago, but Shredder's Revenge runs it very close indeed.

The pixelated visuals, banging 90's tunes of various genres and faithful nods to the franchise all hit the right notes, and when there are 3 of you playing together, it's wonderfully chaotic. I never got to experience 4 player, but I can well imagine it's one notch higher, slightly more frantic but never losing the outrageous sense of fun.

The gameplay is wonderful. You can get back with button bashing your way through enemies, but with the higher difficulty levels - and particularly against bosses - there's a lot of crucial timing and choices to be made in order to progress. The level of depth with the combat is very subtle and there's something for all skill levels.

Having played a lot of massive open world RPGs of late, it's refreshing when I play a title like this once in a while - non stop fun balanced perfectly with a large dose of nostalgia, this is a perfect example of why I love losing myself in video games.