Apparently, it's 11 years since I played this back on the PS3 (according to PSN) and I remember being absolutely in love with this at the time. I think that is a good indicator of progress because this really feels a bit dated now. I don't mean that as a criticism, it's just a fact - 11 years is a long time in video games. Needs to be said that this remaster looks pretty good though.

Also - the plot is still good, the characters work well together and most of this is well paced with fun gun mechanics. Where it falls down somewhat is the strength and difficulty of the puzzles. But then again, it seems somewhat churlish to mark this down on something that Naughty Dog improved dramatically in future instalments.

I did enjoy the 6-7 hours it took for me to get through the campaign, and not just for nostalgia's sake. Yes, there's a bit of repetition and the game could have done with some more effective set pieces (whereas the jeep chase is ace, the handling in the jet ski sections is absolutely horrible and sadly, the former was over too soon but the latter dragged) but the core game mechanics that make up 90% of the game are entertaining.

As this is part of a rather bargainous compilation package, it's good to revisit this and play through again. Overall it's fun, the story still holds up well and I'm sure that I'll appreciate the next 3 titles in the series all the more. Looking forward to starting Uncharted 2 again soon because I already know that some of the faults of the original are fixed!

Reviewed on Jan 04, 2022
