this game is hard to rate and review because its had such an impact on gaming and the world as a whole, and i think it deserves respect for that, but it isnt anything amazing or great. i will start with the positives though, this game has amazing music, its beautiful and one of the strongest parts about it, i also think that its a great game with friends to hangout in, its a really replayable game and there is alot to do, and i think something about older versions are really charming and if it had stopped being updated and was just a neat little game it would be better for it, that didnt happen though. i think the main issues with this game are the more modern versions and that for me personally alot of the components of the game dont really interest me and arent for me. lets start with how as the game has gone on its been updated so many times with so many things that it just feels bloated and like the original charm of the game has been lost, newer elements dont mesh with the older elements and the devs are to afraid to change older things so the game ends up feeling like a hodgepodge of mechanics and ideas that dont work well and dont fit thematically, for example you look at older biomes like the forests or plains and not much has changed besides they are bigger, and you look at something like the mangrove swamps and they are far more detailed and just look different and dont mesh well with older biomes, i think the devs need to fully rework this game so that moving forward everything fits together more and overall the game feels more consistent, even then im not a big fan of constantly updating a game and i feel like its hurt it in the long run quality wise in an effort to make more money, i am aware that you can play older versions on pc but im trying to review the game as a whole at its latest version, on to the parts that i dont find much interest in im not big into the building aspects of this game and the redstone elements which means that leaving the game with as it is now as a game to play through makes it really nothing special to me personally since most of the old magic is lost and whats been put in the place of it feels soulless to me, i dont think this is a bad game and its definitely fun but its not something that should be the best selling video game ever made because i really think that it doesnt deserve that title and that being that has effected it for the worse

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i remember before i played this game, i hadnt played a video game in years nothing else had clicked at that point to me, people had told me about dark souls for a while and i was always curious to play it but i never got around to it, one day i decided to play it and i was hooked, i have 250 hours in this game and i think it is one of the best games ever made and its the reasons i started playing video games again. i dont think the game is perfect but it is a masterpiece. the levels feel like you are exploring the hollow ruins of a once colorful world that has been corrupted and abandoned, its god hiding behind a door dead waiting for someone to come and take his place to keep this world alive for just a little longer. the bosses were fucking hard on my first playthrough but now they arent a challenge, the bosses are def the weakest part just because they arent really that hard until the dlc and even then they arent to tough, dark souls 3 has better bosses but you know what it doesnt have? the soul that this game has the journey you go through is one of the best things ive experience in gaming, the music is sparse but immaculate, the level design is so good there are so many interconnected paths and secret areas and optional bosses and things to go find, the graphics are obviously better in the remaster but i think that the art style and the way everything looks is timeless. this is the first game i ever 100%ed and it was amazing, if you are thinking about playing this game go do it right now

this game surprised me i thought it would be good but i didnt think it would be this great, the world is a bit small but i think that the story makes up for it the fallout world is so easy for me to get immersed in its such a great setting and one major thing that surprised me was that i actually liked the gameplay and combat sure not being able to rotate the camera sucks but the fights are really engaging and it makes you feel like your in a brutal wasteland where people will do anything to survive, it did have some bugs and the companions did softlock me a couple times but i dont think that makes the game bad i still think its really great, it really feels like a true rpg where you play your character and make your way through this world and make choices that will impact people, i wouldnt say its the best fallout game but its still phenomenal and i would recommend to anyone to at least try it