Very tight detective game that doesn't run on for too long yet doesn't run for too short a time also. You can tell the developers frogware really care about the Sherlock licence as the amount of attention to detail that they've put into this single game is something i think a lot of AAA developers can benefit to learn from.

Crimes and Punishment presents you with a total of 6 full cases to play through, all with differing lengths and subject matters. On one case you could be solving a stock standard murder while on another you will be tasked with finding a disappearing train. It's the variety in cases and outcomes of each that simply adds to how consistently engaging the whole package is with the exception of one. The "Kew Gardens Drama" is the odd man out as that case turns out to be very simple and dull despite being the penultimate case. By that point you would have expected a much more grandiose case, but it comes out to ultimately be a staggering pace breaker.

Each case, we are also presented with a series of very differing minigames. After the collection of certain clues within the cases you'll be tasked with a minigame to further the story, these can involve examples such as arm wrestling a drunkard sailor for information or creating a mold for the perfect murder weapon, the very strong aspect of this is the fact that each case brings about its own set of new and unique minigames to play meaning that the attention that Frogware has given to each and every part of their game is once again, more than what a lot of established AAA developers do.

It hasn't aged the best but for a kickstarter indie game made in 2014, it is a very good time.

Reviewed on Nov 21, 2022
