This is a neat metroidvania that is surprisingly only made by one person. I found the exploration to be fun, but I wish the movement was a little faster as it can feel like a slog to get around sometimes. There were also a few points where it got rather confusing what was a platform and what was just decoration, but it didn't hinder my experience that much. I enjoyed the enemy variety and how unique they were, even if a few were annoying to fight. The big assortment of guns is also cool, but I would've greatly preferred more unique upgrades instead. Speaking of guns, they (along with some optional upgrades) were usually hidden in great spots, but there is a good amount of them that I feel were really cryptic, which can be frustrating for a metroidvania. Despite the many flaws, I did enjoy most of my time with this game, and I'm interesting in trying the recently released sequel down the line, which I'm hoping solves some of my problems with this game.

Reviewed on Aug 23, 2021
