It's a complicated experience, on one hand, the world is immaculate, the massive school itself and the surroundings are fun to explore, and the gameplay is well done, but on the other hand, half of the missions are identical (go into a cave and fight spiders and goblins), the world is crammed with mediocre sub-quests, and the story is so easy, predictable and long-winded that it loses your interest half-way through.

It's not that easy to do combat in a game like this, and for the most part, they pulled it off well enough. Even if once you get the timing down on the dodging, you are almost impossible to beat.

I also found it to become almost like a button masher, where I would have my trusty four spells and just dodge and smite the enemies. The game wants you to combo spells and use the weapon wheel as much as possible, but I used the same spells for half of the game, just mindlessly dodging and blasting over and over with my same four spells without really thinking or caring.

The characters talk slowly and over-explain everything. And the main plot about Isadora and Ranrok is way too easy to figure out. The main narrative sorely needed some juice. The mission where you walked around in that pen-and-paper world was great, but I barely remember any others.

The Merlin trails and side-missions are filler, reasons for the player to explore the world, and they are mediocre at best, and bad at worst. But I liked flying around on my broom so much that I spent a good amount of time doing it. The well-made world made it alright.

The castle is big, and it's fun to look around and recognize stuff from the movies. I thought the game was a bit slow and took too long to open up, but I heard that many liked all the classroom stuff in the first few hours, so I guess it's a point of contention.

It's long and drags a bit, and there is so much they could do to improve it, so you end up with a slightly sour taste perhaps, but at the end of the day, Hogwarts Legacy is pretty damn good.

The game landed hard and had way too many technical problems, but it's the best-selling game of 2023, and it would be absolute madness if they weren't working on Hogwarts Legacy 2. Hogwarts Legacy is gonna be a massive franchise moving forward.

Reviewed on Mar 14, 2024
