Separation Anxiety is a game born out of a Yume Nikki game jam. While most games to come out of these dwell on the same tropes, this does so with grace.

The selection of images for the parallax is gorgeous, the author art style evokes strong emotions both in the cut scenes and in the spritework, and the aesthetics are present both in your eyes and ears.

While the technical details could be polished, like backgrounds/ that don't loop right, sound mixing and tiling, it doesn't take away a thing from a game who shows the author intent.

I really hope the creator will keep on producing things, because the sings of a creative mind are clear here.

Reviewed on May 16, 2022

1 Comment

2 years ago

What a pleasant surprise to see in my feed this morning! Thank you for both taking the time to play this and leaving such kind words, it really does mean a lot to me.