I consider myself to be an avid trophy & achievement hunter. Usually, I go through periods where I get invested in collecting platinum trophies and then eventually get burnout and want to play other things. Despite still not having a strong desire to trophy hunt again, I decided to go for my 50 platinum trophy milestone to celebrate the 10th anniversary of my PSN account. Since I did not have the patience to go for some of the platinums I still have in mind, I thought it would be smart to look up games that are quick and easy to platinum which led me to playing and platting Duck Souls+.

Despite what the name might imply, Duck Souls is pretty easy. The levels are short and the game is very generous with checkpoints included in each level. I would say that the game could use a little extra challenge, but I came for the 1-hour platinum trophy so I can't complain.

Gameplay-wise, its very similar to Super Meat Boy but with a little jank. In Super Meat Boy, you can always run and jump around the levels and it felt seamless, but with this game, you can't run and you only get a short boost. While it isn't terrible, it does feel somewhat clunky in comparison.

It may seem like I've mostly been trashing the game but I still enjoyed it and got some fun out of it. It has charm and is a surprisingly decent platformer even with its few glaring flaws. If you're looking for a quick & easy plat or 1000 gamerscore that is decent and not total shovelware then this is the game for you.

Reviewed on Oct 11, 2023
