Despite the memes and some of the jank, this is actually one of the best if not the best Smash clone. I had a decent amount of fun playing against people online and didn't have as many issues with the netcode as I have experienced with Smash's online. Most of the characters have fun or at least tolerable playstyles with some variety mixed in there. Even though I have praised the game quite a bit, it is still quite flawed. The movement can feel a bit janky at times, the new voices feel off, and a lot of the presentation feels low budget. Most of it can be excused to some extent as Nick was not expecting the positive attention the game got, but it should have been delayed and given a bigger budget in response. There is potential with this game and I hope Nickelodeon makes a sequel that improves upon this game's shortcomings.

Reviewed on Nov 29, 2022
