DreamMix TV World Fighters is a platform fighter that is a three-way crossover between Konami, Hudson (who ironically enough would be bought by Konami in the future), and the toy company Takara. Together they form quite possibly one of the weirdest crossovers to ever exist, but the absurdity of this crossover is one of the biggest strengths of this game. Never again will we get a game where you can use a C4 as Solid Snake to blow up Megatron, throw a crucifix at Optimus Prime as Simon Belmont, nor will you ever get another chance to play as Tyson and "Let it rip!!!" against Bomberman or TwinBee. However, when you look past this game's absurdity, you are left with an average game and a slightly below-average Smash clone.

It pretty much plays like the coin battles in Smash Bros except when your opponent loses all their coins they become small and lose their heart. To win you need to grab their heart. The gameplay mechanic that slightly differentiates it from Smash Melee is that when you lose your heart, you still have the chance to get it before your opponent does. It's an interesting mechanic that essentially allows you the possibility to revive yourself and make a comeback.

Before I go into the primary issues I have with this title, I will mention the things it does right. It has alternate costumes for some characters and the palette swaps look good. For example, they did not need to give Snake three completely different costumes, but they did what Smash didn't and I commend them for that. The music is decent too and the game even has a version of Bloody Tears that goes pretty hard. The stages look nice, but they aren't quite as interactive as the ones in Smash. The last and most obvious thing to mention is the roster, it's weird but its got some cool choices like Bomberman, Moai, and Power Pro Kun who all will likely never make the cut for a future Smash game. Besides maybe another Hudson and Takara character, I think Goemon would have been a fun addition to the roster so him not being in this game is rather disappointing.

Onto to the glaring issues. Smash and pretty much every other imitator have an arcade/classic mode and a few other ways to battle, this game might have the arcade mode but it doesn't have those extra modes to make it feel fresh and keep players coming back. The regular way to play it is the only way to play the game, which while fun can still get stale after a while. Unlike in Smash where every character has a handful of special moves, each character only has one. It may make the game it bit more simplistic, but at that cost, it sacrifices the ability for the game to make each character feel truly unique to play which once again kills the longevity of the game.

DreamMix TV World Fighters is a one-of-a-kind experience that should be played at least once, but there really isn't any reason to ever go back to it again unless you're really itching to beat the shit out of Megatron in a doll house with Master Higgins.

Reviewed on Mar 03, 2023


Any platform fighter whose box art has Licca-chan, the Barbie of Japan, just T-posing in the middle of the gang has to be worth something. I'm also a fan of those ridiculously overdone FMVs with Mujoe doing his wrestling promo/game show shtick.

1 year ago

Yeah, those FMVs were something I forgot to mention. I love goofy things like that, so I enjoyed watching Mujoe doing his schtick. His boss fight in the arcade mode was cool too.