A childhood favorite of mine. Part of me feels like I wouldn't love this game as much if I started playing it as an adult, but let's face it, a lot of the games we grew up on we probably wouldn't like as much if not for it. The point is, it still holds up, at least to me.

The story isn't really anything special, nor is there really any stellar characterization, but it's full of so much charm in every point. I particularly love the world the game takes place in, and how certain rooms in the game may not resemble the rest of the locations. And while not on the same scale as the average Metroid game, it still is big enough to feature a room I didn't know existed for years, and another room that I still don't know really existed or if it was something my brain made up. It's awesome gaining more powerups too, I will say. By the time you've reached one late room, you just shred through the Spinnygears like paper, and that's satisfying.

Reviewed on Sep 29, 2022
