I can't believe Shu Takumi invented lawyers.

Ace Attorney is gold. Yes, the entire franchise is gold. I know I'm only discussing the first three here, but that does not matter. I'll say it again when I log the DGS duology and when I log the Apollo Trilogy. Ace Attorney does not miss, even if it kind of does sometimes.

The gameplay of Ace Attorney is honestly its story. Ace Attorney is a visual novel, so most of your gameplay is selecting options and pressing your dialogue button to continue. Yes, you have to pick the right option, but you're largely still picking options for the most part. If you don't like visual novels though...do play this one. It's so good.

Before I continue, I'm dedicating a paragraph to Dick Gumshoe, one of the best characters in this franchise. He should either come back or get his own games. Look, I'm not saying Capcom was dumb when they didn't bring him back after T&T, but they are dumb for not bringing him back after T&T. Capcom really fumbled the bag.

The story was not a fumble, and it can't be. It's all you'll be interacting with. I'm happy to report that every part of the three games included is good (save for a few cases, but every game has at least one dud). The story is charming, funny, and kind of real sometimes. The characters are actually people (keep this in mind when I discuss the next 3 games in the main series).

Ace Attorney truly proves that love wins, except if you're Larry Butz. Honestly, you just don't win if you're Larry Butz. The moral of the story is do not be Larry Butz. Anyway, this is a fantastic collection of the gay lawyer video games. I highly recommend picking up a copy of this.

Reviewed on Oct 25, 2023
