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Man what can I say about this game..... to me this game could of been SO MUCH FUCKING MORE THAN IT SHOULD HAVE. But alas I will get into why i didn't like it that much.
Firstly gameplay is wonderful, each character felt unique and the banter between them felt like a treat to listen to. The voice acting is on point and is incredible. BUT WHAT IN THE FLYING FUCK IS THE STORY? Yeah I get it's called KILL THE JUSTICE LEAGUE, but I mean you could of had a fake-out by having them survive at the very least, not have batman sitting on a bench bleeding out only to get fucking killed by harley quinn. Speaking of batman, his fucking boss fight was shit, well the second phase, because it felt like one of those borderlands bosses where you have to shoot at him until he dies. The flash boss fight felt like an amazing experience, seeing him zoom about and trying to kill you. I didn't like the superman fight as well as green lanterns because they were effectively bullet sponges. BUT BRAINIAC..... OH BUT FUCKING BRAINIAC WAS SUCH A BORING FIGHT. "Ah yes lemme just spawn in about 60 of my soldiers to beat youu up then lemme just run about like the flash instead of being SUPERMAN WHO IS KNOWN FOR BEING STRONG AS FUCK." honestly the story and four of the boss fights were crap, but the other stuff was fairly good. It could of been a 4 if they didn't just leave the rest of the fucking story for future dlc.

This was an absolute blast to go through and i had fun playing it.

It continued the amazing journey from Spider-man 1, and enhanced the swinging mechanics.