A real delight of a game. I tend to suck ass at action games, even more when I need a minimum of coordination to get the best scores, but I had an absolute blast making my way through this nonetheless. The combat is engaging and deep enough to never get stale, all while allowing the player to engage with as many of the systems as one is comfortable with, so all the possible combinations never get overwhelming to deal with.

Really funny stuff as well, from the dialogue to the overall presentation, I can´t remember the last time I was laughing so consistently while playing a game. The art design is really cool, the game looks really pretty all the time. The music is just perfect, never repetitive, never dull, with some excellent licensed needle drops as a treat every now and then.

A true must play if it looks even remotely interesting, and easily one of the best games of the year. I didn´t really try out the post game levels and the collect-athon approach because that isn´t really my jam, but I’m sure that gamers interested in that type of gameplay will get dozens of hours of top tier entertainment on top of a hilarious, tight, really enjoyable, 10 hour main campaign.

Reviewed on Feb 28, 2024
