Frankly just an adorably fun game. I backed this on Kickstarted back in 2019 and I was worried that here, 4 years later, I might not still be into the humor. I'm pleased to say that the game was fun, quirky, and a joy to play.

I've seen some people say that the combat got repetitive, and I can understand that. I started to avoid fighting mobs by the last few stages, but the boss fights never ceased to be a fun time. Even the when I accidentally built myself a hardmode boss (you know him if you've played) I had a blast. The system is simple to learn, and easy to feel like you've caught the hang of. There's plenty of options to change up you style too, if you happen to feel like the game is getting a little too one note for you.

I played a couple hours a day to wind down after work, and I finished it in about a week. Seriously, just a blast of a game, I heavily recommend checking it out.

Reviewed on Aug 24, 2023
