Fucking fantastic movement tech

Fantastic gameplay, awesome customisation, but repeated playthroughs were repetitive.

Funny Japan man who punch like train

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Preamble: I spent a few hours playing on PC during "work", and many more hours on my phone.

This game is fucking crack cocaine. It's the monkey brained flashing lights of cleaving through Yellow Rebellion hordes combined with the production quality of a sock puppet show.

Your first few runs are frustrating as you slowly earn gold to Power Up, creeping ever closer to the 30min goal. Fast forward a few hours and you're certain you can survive forever with any build, as long as you've chosen the correct arcana and evolution passives and weapons that benefit from each other's passive items and...

VS's progression loop is fantastic. It feeds you power spikes, new quests and wacky-wahoo game changing unlocks at a masterfully tuned rate.

I don't feel accomplished after a VS sesh. Sure I'll have a podcast in the background or something, but I could've spent these hours reading manga instead.

Don't do it.