2 reviews liked by C00LR4NCH

Nothing but respect for attempting to turn shit into something better than shit, and there's a lot of genuinely good changes made here! Definitely the best way for you to play Mega Man X6, even if I'd genuinely consider the original release a rite of passage for anyone who wants to understand how genuinely dogshit Mega Man can get. Things like Reploids actually respawning even if they've been infected so you can't permanently miss parts, the complete removal of any Reploids who don't have items on hand, a retranslation of the script, and way more that you can find via the official changelog. Some of the actually fun stuff, like Zero's Guard Shell being a fucking trainwreck of programming that wrecks bosses in seconds are patched out, so it's not all gravy, but I can't say there isn't a valliant attempt to bring X6's quality up!

But at the end of the day, Mega Man X6 is still Mega Man X6 at its core, and you can't really fix it without essentially making it an entirely different game. Level design, the Nightmare system, some of those fucking boss fights. I can't knock the attempt at all, hats off to them for trying again, but you can't fix what's fundamentally broken, and that stinks, cause X6 still has the great base gameplay of X4 and X5, two games I love to death. It's a damn shame, but it is what it is, as they say.

While replaying this game made me realize the combat wasn't as bad as I remembered (also not the best but not the worse) the plot is still as bad if not worse for me. Even if the whole kanji/naoto handling left a very poor taste in my mouth almost every character and the message of the story felt really bland for me, I couldn't really empathize with any character or their struggles outside of Ai which just made the writing be a slog being so depending on character relations. Even if I think it is worthy to criticize the handling of kanji/naoto, particularly naoto, everytime I try to do it I get a very hostile reaction by even people who claim themselves to be allies so I will not even bother with randoms online