One of my favorite games for the PS1 and taught me how to be more aggressive with strategies in a TPS. highly recommend even if it's just for the characters and cutscenes.

I think im still traumatized from watching a man melt while screaming even if he was plastic. Fun game but has a few cheap/unfair sections later in the game. Great early TPS though considering the first games were top down shooters.

Great soundtrack, weird controls, kinda meh gameplay. Got stuck on the stealth levels for long periods of time due to the weird "stealth" system and my lack of sneak skill.

Weirdly awesome but unreasonably difficult for some stages.

Still holds up and some mad man made a PC port. Check it out if you haven't already.

Probably the main reason i ended up saving up for a PS1 instead of a Nintendo 64. Awful experience even for the time and Borderline broken when trying to complete. Even tried it recently for fun and i couldn't even figured out how i got to level 2 as a kid.


Still need to complete the master levels but great game and i'm amazed how well it holds up to this day. One of the grandfathers of FPS and scared the hell out of me as a kid. Floppy disk still resides in my collection.

Amazing platformer gem on the Genesis. Super gross and toilet humor that Hank Hill would strongly disapprove of but amazing creative art and design with solid platforming to the likes of the Earth Worm Gym games. Forever affected my sense of humor. I regret nothing.

Gud gaem. Is the best shuut punch gaem. Plz