The general consensus on this game seems to be "decent campaign, crap multiplayer". Sometimes I agree, sometimes I think it's the exact opposite. The campaign goes to some interesting places, being more of a character study than a sort of special forces war story, while ironically the multiplayer takes cues from COD, eschewing the equal starts arena multiplayer for custom loadouts and superpowers. And yet, at the same time, I find the multiplayer really fun (and it's the one I'm best at, for some reason), and find the campaign to be lacking in several respects. It was a wasted opportunity to have Chief so far from home and yet the Covenant have reformed and within a couple of missions the UNSC have already found him. Some of the campaign levels are unbearably tedious, with repeated setpieces involving defending a single area until something happens, undercooked Promethean enemies and weapons, and the actual conflict of the story which is incomprehensible if your experience of the series is the previous numbered entries - a terrible sin for any piece of media to commit.

Reviewed on Nov 02, 2023
