Firstly, I´ve never payed any FF, this was my first one.
I think FF remake has stunning graphics and visuals, the face models are one of the best I´ve ever seen in a game. Futhermore, the combat was a little bit confusing at first, but in the middle of the game I was understanding better the mechanics and I started to enjoying the gameplay, specially considering that the materia/equipments mechanic is very nice and balanced.
However, I can´t give FF REmake a higher grade, because the developers wanted to tell a 40-50h story that could have been told in 20h. The consequence of this decision? There are SO SO MANY fillers in this game and most of them are not good and don´t add anything to the plot. Example: In the beggining, you play like 3 chapters just to get to the second reactor. In these chapters, you just walk, kill monsters, walk more, kill more monsters... this take like 3-4h.

Reviewed on Feb 28, 2024
