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Two masked figures face off in a field over a full moon. They leap and clash
swords, and the man in red falls.

Ryu (voiceover): With whom did father have a duel and lose? For what reason
did he fight and die? Even I don't know for sure.

Fadeout to Ryu holding a letter.

Ryu (voiceover): The day after he disappeared, in father's room I found a
letter addressed to me. It said, "Ryu, I am on my way to a life or death duel.
If it is destiny that I not return, you are to take the Dragon sword of the
Hayabusa family and go to America and see the archaeologist, Walter Smith.
Ryu, be always brave..."

Cut to Ryu in mask.

Ryu: I will get my revenge!

Act I

After defeating the monster, Ryu stands in the bar.

Ryu: Who are they...they seem to be following me...(glances over) Who's
there? (Scroll to girl in background) Just a girl. Get out of here!

Cut to girl.

Girl: I will, but first... (pulls a gun)

Ryu: What the...?

Cut to Ryu with shocked expression. A gunshot rings out, fade to gray, then

View of a prison door.

Ryu: Ow...Where...Where am I?

Silhouette appears in doorway.

Girl: I see the anesthetic is wearing off.

Cut to Ryu.

Ryu: Who are you?!

Cut to girl inside door.

Girl: Shhh. Don't make so much noise...I've got a favor to ask of you.

Cut to view of statue.

Girl: Here. Take this and escape.

Ryu: What is this...this statue?

Cut to closeup of girl.

Girl: There's no time to explain. Hurry.

Cut to Ryu.

Ryu: Hey, wait. Who are you? Didn't you try to kill me?

Cut to girl.

Girl: Someone's coming. Be careful.

Fade to black.

Act II

Ryu running.

Ryu: What is this bizarre statue anyway? And who was
that woman?

Ryu (voiceover): As I grew more and more suspicious, I went off to look for
that supposed acquaintance of my father's, Mr. Smith.


Cut to man.

Man: Who is it?

Cut to Ryu.

Ryu: You must be Walter Smith. The name's Ryu, Ryu Hayabusa.

Cut to Smith.

Smith: Who? That sword...of course. You must be Ken Hayabusa's son.

Ryu: In his last letter, my father told me I should see you.

Smith: Last letter? I see...so it is already begun.

Cut to Ryu.

Ryu: ...

Cut to Smith.

Smith: Ken and I were on an expedition to some old
Amazon ruins. We found a strange statue and a stone
tablet. On the tablet, it said...

Ryu: Wait a minute. You mean to tell that statue...

Cut to view of statue.

Smith: Yes, precisely. I thought it had been stolen. That demon statue
possesses enough evil power to destroy an entire nation. The demon came to
this earth and caused many deaths. But then SHINOBI appeared to stop the

Cut to view of dragon sword.

Smith: SHINOBI borrowed the strength of the dragon and countered each of the
demon's spells and thus was able to overcome it.

Cut to Smith.

Smith: Yet, though it was defeated, the demon was not dead. So SHINOBI
confined the evil power of the demon in two status of "LIGHT" and "SHADOW".

Cut to view of two statues.

Smith: ...And the body of the demon was confined in a temple. This one must be
the "SHADOW" statue. Therefore...

Green figure runs up, takes statue, and leaps to roof.

Intruder: And now I've got it. Bye, friend!

Cut to Ryu.

Ryu: What the...?

Cut to Smith.

Smith: After him, Ryu!


After retrieving the statue, Ryu runs back.


Ryu (voiceover): After getting back the demon statue,
I felt a strange premonition and hurried back.

Cut to Ryu, flashing screen.

Ryu: Dr. Smith!!

Cut to Smith bleeding in a chair with Ryu holding him up.

Smith: Ryu...the "LIGHT" demon statue...was taken...

Cut to Ryu.

Ryu: The "LIGHT" statue?

Cut to Smith/Ryu.

Smith: Yes, your father and I...we each kept one of the statues...just in case.
So that the two statues would never become one. The demon's been asleep for
700 years...and now it's starting to wake up...whatever we do...we've got to
stop it. Got to get it back...there's no choice...you've got to become the
Ninja Dragon...

Ryu: Dr. Smith! Dr. Smith!

Ryu turns around.

Ryu: ...

Cut to three men, two with guns.

Men: Come with us.

Act IV

View of man in chair, dim lighting.

Man: Welcome, Ryu Hayabusa. Sorry if I startled you.

Lights go bright.

Man: We are from the CIA Special Auxiliary unit. My name's Foster.

Cut to Ryu.

Ryu: ...

Cut to Foster.

Foster: Getting right to the point...

Cut to Ryu.

Ryu: Wait. I want to know why you killed Smith.

Cut to Foster.

Foster: We didn't kill him. But we'll fill you in on what we know.

Cut to Ryu.

Cut to Foster with a map of South America behind him.

Foster: In the upper reaches of the Amazon, some ancient ruins were discovered.
It seems the temple was built more than 2000 years ago. The discoverer was
Dr. Smith, who studied the ruins for some time. But one day, he suddenly
sealed off the ruins. And ever since then no one has gone close.

Map is replaced by picture of a purple-outfitted figure.

Foster: Later, however, a man moved in and took over the ruins. His name is
Guardia de mieux. He calls himself the Jaquio. According to our records, it
seems that the temple is not where gods are worshipped but was built to
imprison the body of the demon.

Picture is replaced by the image of the shadow statue.

Foster: Therefore, evil spirits are supposed to be held in the statue you
have. Dr. Smith probably already knew that. He was probably killed by someone
working for the Jaquio.

Cut to Ryu.

Ryu: ...

Cut to Foster.

Foster: When a black moon shines, Light and Dark break apart, the King of
Darkness howls. These were the last words written on the stone tablet. If
someone brings the demon back to life, he will gain incredible power...enough
to control the entire world.

Cut to Ryu.

Ryu: So you know about that?

Foster: The woman who shot you in the bar was one of our agents.

Cut to Foster.

Foster: They are after you. Use this and go to their
headquarters. Get the demon statue back from them. Of course, you will be paid
for the work.

Cut to Ryu.

Ryu: If I say no?

Cut to Foster, lights dimmed.

Foster: You know the answer to that.

Cut to shot of helicopter flying over a jungle. A figure leaps from the plane.


Upon scaling the cliff, Ryu looks at the massive
temple in the distance.


After defeating the gargoyles, Ryu encounters the Jaquio.

Jaquio: You have come a long way to bring me the demon statue. Now give it to

Cut to Ryu.

Ryu: No!

Cut to Jaquio.

Jaquio: Do you know what you're saying?

Ryu: What?!

Cut to monster holding knife to girl's throat.

Girl: Ryu!

Cut to Ryu.

Ryu: You...you coward.

Cut to girl.

Girl: No, don't give it to him.

Cut to Jaquio.

Jaquio: Now, put down the demon statue on the floor, and back up.

Cut to view of Ryu kneeling with statue beside him.

Jaquio: Nice work. I guess this is goodbye.

Cut to Jaquio.

Jaquio: Have a nice day.

Cut to Ryu. Ryu falls in pit.

Cut to girl.

Jaquio: Ah...take the girl away. She is going to be a sacrifice.

Cut to Jaquio.

Jaquio: Ha, ha, ha...it's mine. Tonight is the night of rebirth which comes
only once every 700 years. This world will soon be mine. Ha, ha, ha...

Cut to closeup of Jaquio.

Jaquio: Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha....

Fade to black.

Act V


Upon scaling back to the top of the tower, Ryu
encounters a masked figure.


Man: I am Malth. You will never get past me.

Cut to Ryu.

Ryu: Then I must defeat you!

Cut to Malth.

Malth: You are as bold as your father. But he is a much better swordsman.

Cut to Ryu.

Ryu: You know my father?

Cut to Malth.

Malth: Come and fight, young Hayabusa!

After defeating Malth, Ryu looms over his fallen

Ryu: You killed my father.

Malth: Killed? It is true that we fought. But your father is alive.

Ryu: Liar!

Malth: No, it is not a lie. If you proceed further, you will see him. But it
will be the last thing you see.

Cut to an angry Ryu.

Ryu: ...

Act VI


After advancing through the temple, Ryu stands in a
darkened room.


Jaquio: Ryu, you deserve praise for making it this

Ryu turns around.

Ryu: Where are you, show yourself!

Jaquio: ...but even you cannot defeat "the masked devil."

Cut to shot of masked man.

Cut to Ryu.

Ryu: No one can beat me.

Jaquio: Even...your father?

Stunned look crosses Ryu's face.

Ryu: What?!

Cut to black-and-white flashback of opening duel.

Jaquio: Your father was not killed. He has been turned into "the masked devil."

Cut to Ryu.

Ryu: No!

Jaquio: It will be entertaining to watch father and son fight to the death.

Cut to Ryu facing left.

Ryu: Wake up, Father!

Cut to Masked Devil.

Jaquio: No use. He thinks only of killing you.

Cut to Ryu, panning shot.

Ryu: So this was my destiny. Malth was telling the truth. What shall I do?
I've got to think clearly. Father's eyes...they show he is controlled like a
puppet. If I break the control...

Cut to panning shot of wall.

Ryu: But what is controlling him?

Camera jerks back to crystal orb.

Ryu: That's it!


After breaking the control, Ryu reunites with his father.


Ryu: Father!

Ken: ...Where am I...? Ryu...are you Ryu?

Ryu: Yes, Father.

Cut to fading shot of the Jaquio.

Ken: Argh! He's awake!

Cut to Ryu.

Ryu: The Jaquio!

Cut to close-up of Jaquio.

Jaquio: You both will die!

Jaquio fires an orb at Ryu.

Ken: Watch out!

Ken leaps in front of Ryu, taking the blow.

Ken: Ugh...!!!!

Ryu: Father...

Cut to Ryu holding his father.

Ken: Ryu...you've got to...get them for me.

Ryu: Father!

Cut to Ryu turning and jumping to a close-up.

Ryu: Your day has come, Jaquio!


Ryu defeats second form of Jaquio.


Cut to girl.

Girl: Ryu!

Cut to Ryu.

Girl: Ryu!

Ryu: Thank God you're safe!

Cut to Ryu holding Ken.

Ryu: Let's go, father. Let's get out of this temple.

Ken: Ryu, wait. Before we do, the demon statues...we've got to throw them from
the temple while we've still got time. Before the "black moon" shines.

Cut to girl.

Girl: Ryu, what's that?

Cut to shot of clouds moving across the moon.

Cut to Ryu.

Ryu: Is it a lunar eclipse?! That must be it. That's what the "black moon"
meant...Oh, no! The demon statue!

Cut to shot of the moon getting completely eclipsed, and the ground shakes
while the two statues start to come together.


After defeating the final evil, Ryu approaches his father.


Ryu: Wake up father, wake up.

Ken: Ryu...I haven't got much longer...This temple is about to break apart.
Take that woman and escape.

Ryu: What are you saying, father? I can't just leave you!

Ken: Ryu, you are a man now. My destiny is tied to the demon statue. Ryu,
good luck...

Cut to a distraught Ryu.

Ryu: Father, father...!!!

Fade to black.

Ryu: Father!!!

The temple collapses. Pan to Ryu and the girl standing, viewing the collapse.

Cut to girl and Ryu.

Girl: Ryu...

Beeping noise. Cut to girl talking into mouthpiece.

Girl: This is Sea Swallow...

Cut to view of mouthpiece.

Foster: This is Foster. We detected the explosion from the satellite. Job well
done. You are to kill Ryu Hayabusa.

Cut to Ryu and the girl.

Girl: What? Kill Ryu?

Foster: That's right. Then you are to steal the demon statues.

Cut to unmasked Ryu.

Ryu: So this was your plan all along...I'll get you for this, Foster!

Cut to view of mouthpiece.

Foster: Ryu, you...

Cut to Ryu.

Ryu: I get two kinds of payment. The first I have already received.
The second...is you, Foster!

Cut to Ryu and the girl.

Cut to overhead view.

Foster: Ryu...wait...

Cut to Ryu and the girl.

Girl: Ryu, what is the payment you have already received?

Ryu: She's right in front of me.

The girl smiles, and the camera pans to show a lengthy kiss between the two.

Cut to Ryu and the girl.

Ryu: I don't even know your name.

Girl: Irene, Irene Lew.

Cut to Ryu.

Ryu: Well, Irene. Look, the sun is rising. Everything is so bright now. The
darkness is finally over.

The camera shows Ryu and Irene standing on a rock watching the sun rise.