Unlike my other Kingdom Hearts reviews I'm not going to make a title or anything like that. This is just an overall score for this collection.

A collection of 6 games, ranging from absolutely dreadful to near perfection... this collection is a very mixed bag.

My playthroughs of the first game and Re:Chain of Memories are among some of the worst I have ever experienced in my years of playing video games. Games that felt like they never ended, all while having crappy acting and dialogue to the point where I believed they legitimately broke me. My playthroughs of Kingdom Hearts II and Birth By Sleep were awesome times that felt very brisk and intense, never giving me a moment of boredom or anger. Watching the dynamics of 358/2 Days was genuinely entertaining while watching the schlock that is Re:Coded was monotonous and ultimately pointless.

This collection is highly flawed, and I only came out enjoying half of the experiences it offered, which is why I am giving it this rather middling score. While KH2, BBS, and the story of 358/2 Days are inherently good times for me, they don't exactly outweigh the, to quote Re:Coded here, "hurt" that KH, CoM and the story of Re:Coded brought upon me.

I definitely see myself coming back to KH2 and BBS in the future, but I doubt I will ever play KH1 or CoM ever again.

If you're looking for a dive into the Kingdom Hearts series, I can't fully recommend it. If you don't care about story, just play 2 and BBS, and if you do care about story you're better off playing a different franchise altogether. Either way, I hope you have a better experience with this collection as a whole than I did.

Reviewed on Jun 22, 2021
