The first game I'm playing off of my Obscure Game Recommendation List, thanks to JamesBuc.

Considering there are only two reviews on here, and one of them is by YourDadReviews so that doesn't count, it seems like I'll be charting relatively untouched territory here.

First, what I want to say is that I'm honestly impressed with how this game gives every single button an important function in controlling the Power Shovel (looking this up, that is actually what they are called). The left and right bumpers move the vehicle, the circle button and the square button fold the bucket down and up respectively, the triangle and x buttons raise and lower the entire lift, the up and down buttons raise and lower the extension part holding the bucket, and the left and right buttons are for changing your direction. It's a very unique system that kind of reflects how these things work in real life, or at least how I'd imagine they'd work. Every button serves to work the Power Shovel so you can achieve maximum efficiency, and honestly in concept I think it is actually an amazing idea. Execution on the other hand can be hit or miss.

The biggest hurdle to getting into Power Shovel does come from this complex control style. It's very unorthodox compared to many other arcade type games. Everything you do has to be carefully and procedurally maneuvered through, or else you fail. It's one of those things where I do have to wonder if the complexity is truly worth the hassle if it makes the game feel sluggish despite its arcade design.

Ultimately, I think it is worth the hassle, because it allows for one of the most entertaining arcade games I've ever seen. If you play Power Shovel, don't bother with the training stuff outside of learning the controls, because the real meat of this game is in the jokey Part Timer Mode. This mode has you doing all sorts of odd jobs with your Power Shovel like destroying some rich asshole's car to scooping tons of curry onto plates to driving over the abyss while platforms disappear beneath you for no explained reason while the hitler-stached otamatone yells at you in Japanese to the sound of the music also yelling at you in Japanese. Truly the pinnacle of human experience.

Nonetheless, these little challenges in Part Timer Mode are both comical and genuinely engaging for me, and if a game manages to do that, I'm in for a good time. I think my only gripe was the driving game, because there are platforms that disappear and reappear ala Mega Man, and the Power Shovel has kind of funky controls in regards to driving. They're reversed, so Left pushes you right and right pushes you left and you have to hold both to go forward. Just feels a little odd to control when you're on a time limit.

Well, this was pretty short, but the game is not very long, and given it's an arcade game, finishing it isn't really required to enjoy the whole package. I want to again thank JamesBuc for the recommendation, and I hope more people try out Power Shovel, it's a pretty solid time.

Reviewed on Jan 07, 2022


2 years ago

Hell yeah hell yeah this game rules I hope this review sparks a revolution and it becomes new backloggdcore

2 years ago

This game was such a wild weird ride when I discovered it years ago and im really happy to get others to play it as its perfect for quick gaming breaks in between bigger titles.