I need to gush, I was excited for this game from day 1 and it exceeded my expectations. It has an incredibly fun combat system, the job system brings something new to this style of game, every mechanic works great and when things click, you're a chaos killing machine.

The thing people will be surprised by is that the story is actually really good. Forget all the articles coming out saying "it's cringe and that's a good thing", no, this is actually, genuinely good. It's your standard Final Fantasy story, but Jack is such a weird wrench thrown into the mix for how absolutely dead set he is on killing Chaos that it manages to work perfectly. The party members bounce off him really well too, this feels like a group of people who are friends for this journey and have each others back.

And then the story kicks into high gear and hoooo boy, it gets good. I won't spoil anything, but I loved every moment of the last few missions of the game.

Definitely worth checking out, but at the same time, I realise this is a game that specifically hits me in what I love about games.

Reviewed on Mar 20, 2022
