Why? Why take a decent VR game and make it a bad game? That one star is for David Tennant. Else I wouldn't have bothered. Shite

Fun wee game with good humour. Looking forward to replaying this one. Love frog boss.

Fell off Doctor Who but just had to see those Angels in VR. It works too fucking well! I hated it but in a good way. Not bad.

The fact this was made and released by actual people gives me the shits something fierce.


I'm sure this was alright for the time but that car race was almost enough for me to pack this in.

Can't believe they got that guy on the toilet door to be in this game. So proud to see that wee guy come so far.

Never read the book but I have a feeling this is a not great adaptation. Fun distraction though

A free game made to promote big chin Doctor.

This orange little rat and his big, cheeky grin puts me at ease!

If you like Rick and Morty and VR you'll like this game just fine.

It's definitely a puzzle game.

There are two things holding me back from calling this perfect. The weird art style and no Clancy Brown :(

This little blue man goes fast but now there's TWO of him! Good show Sonic. Good show.

I like the ideas and art of this game, but if I'm being real it's a bit shite. Not a terrible time mind you, enjoyable enough.