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So to start, this review is coming from the perspective of a true completionist, and I made the decision to play and 100% every game in the CoD franchise naturally beginning here, but where should I begin my review?

First of all, I am playing this in veteran mode as how could i consider the game complete without beating its hardest difficulty, and when it comes to difficulty this game certainly delivers.
The game was made before regenerating health was really a concept introduced to video games so the main way in which you regain health after taking damage is health packs you can find. You may think that it isn't too bad, and you'd be correct... in most cases.
Veteran mode REMOVES health packs, completely, you take damage in a mission and its permanent until you finish that mission, and when you take damage its usually in the range of 1/3 to 1/2 of your health, so you cannot afford to get hit whatsoever early on or you are gonna have to flawless the rest of the mission.
This issue is massively worsened by the way the game makes checkpoints, if you have taken a large amount of damage the game refuses to make checkpoints from then on, forcing you to get through everything with zero checkpoints and without getting hit whatsoever, from the time you took that damage until the end of the mission.
It is painfully difficult and infuriating at times, forcing me to put the game down and walk away at multiple points throughout to avoid getting too angry, this mode is definitely not for the faint of heart.

So after that rant, what is there to say about the games storytelling?
well one major part of this games campaign is the fact that is is separated into 3 major sections (American, British, and soviet) with a fourth short section at the end that has 1 epilogue mission for each campaign.
The unique way in which this game laid out its story was definitely interesting and I think I would be able to enjoy it more if there was almost no character or storytelling to be had, the only campaign of the 3 to tell anything interesting was the soviets, with the inclusion of your own generals having the ability to kill you if you retreat in any way, reflecting the way the Soviet soldiers were really treated during WWII. Overall the game works well educationally but for storytelling it definitely falls flat for me.

Considering how old this game is, I can say with confidence the gunplay and general enemy ai is better than I expected, but definitely lacking. It was a struggle to aim with many of the guns with the iron sights not feeling properly lined up which is a shame, that along with enemies sometimes just lasering you from across the map with you barely able to react definitely made the gameplay difficult to enjoy and appreciate, I think if I were to play on a lower difficulty, giving myself more reaction time for enemy movement and attacks, it maybe could be more enjoyable to play, but as it is and the way I played, it wasn't particularly great.

Final thoughts:
The game is definitely something id say is worth playing if you are curious about where call of duty came from, but as a stand alone game, its not the best and you would definitely need a real strong will to 100% this game, I'm glad I played it, but I am not going to be coming back any time soon.

(I do realise I haven't reviewed multiplayer and that is because it isn't at all playable without the United offensive DLC so I will review it there after having played it enough to understand it)