DOOM 2016 a really solid entry in the series that brought back the franchise to the spotlight through overhauling the gameplay that many games try to emulate with varying degrees of success. The gunplay is crafted to perfection, the level design is very atmospheric and desolate, and the story is pretty neat. However, it's hard to say it's my favorite because we live in a post-Eternal world. 2016 feels slower in comparison and the level design can feel very samey (even though it's kind of the point since it's stuck to Mars and Hell locations). Secrets feel less fun to find because it feels like there's less inclination to find them with the barebones map and signals they give you, but I can see the appeal in terms of how it is harder to find them and incentivize replay value. I can appreciate the crowd that likes 2016 over Eternal because both games are excellent in their own ways while sharing similar DNA. Good game, I highly recommend if you're looking to get into boomer shooters or just really good FPS games in general.

Reviewed on Oct 22, 2023
