I found BioShock to be a really interesting adventure and a lot of that has to do with the detailed worldbuilding of one of the most striking locations in video games, that being Rapture. Learning about its history and its eccentric personalities is a journey that was a pleasure to experience. But how does the game itself hold up? Well, besides being a little outdated in terms of graphical fidelity (which the game is almost 20 years old) and controls being a little strange from my previous experience with shooters (which I got used to), the gameplay itself I think holds up pretty well. I love me a game that lets you collect all of these weapons and tells you to go nuts, which is then compounded upon with the Plasmids as well as the Tonics and ADAM upgrade system. However, I found the game to be a little tedious at times, mainly at the endgame (although that's probably my fault for playing on Hard). If you're not a fan of dreary, dark and dank settings, this game is not for you and the only location I found that broke this trend was Arcadia. That's where the spoilers end, however, as this game is best experienced blind. If you've managed to avoid spoilers for this long, I reckon you should definitely give it a shot.

Reviewed on Jun 27, 2024
