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Pretty average 2D Sonic clone that far overstays its welcome, it can sometimes be fun but the levels are often way too long and confusing to navigate any Jester Power that isn't the Edgy transformation make the late game platforming painfully unfun especially with how slippery Spark gets (and they expect you to do precise platforming with this control scheme).

Ennemies are for the most part a bother and they truly went overkill in some of the later areas by adding a shit load of them and especially some that take multiple hit, I know they're going for a different experience than base 2D Sonic but there's a reason 2D Sonic and combat don't really go well together.

I didn't bother finishing Fark mode, the parry mechanic is super janky and the reduced health made every boss encounter and areas full of ennemies and hazard a slog and a pain to go through.

However, it's not totally awful and there's some fun to be had here with the different transformations and the early parts of the game. There's also some cool level gimmick

Good to pass the time but nothing much behind it aside from the sick ass OST