I honestly really wanted to like this game. The only positive thing I can think of to say is the art/ design being nice while some of the music is nice to listen to. Some of the lore/ story is good but eh.

Now for the negatives, it's... a lot. I'm a person that loves adventure and exploring and this game is called an open world but it's so? Boring, empty, and there's nothing actually rewarding to do. It's cool to have it as a "road trip with the boys" angle but it really is road trip simulator where you look out the window as the car automatically drives itself for you. I WOULD'VE walked is there was anything I can actually DO other than fight monsters and find 1-2 NPCs to interact with.

The caves are absolutely awful to be in. I already hate underground levels because of how cramped and dark I feel, but this takes it to a different level. The design of these caves are so boring and ugly to look at and be in, it felt like I was in an incomplete Unity level because they forgot to import models to decorate the place more. The map design is terrible and confusing to read, and it doesn't help when your camera won't cooperate with you.

I'm a huge fan of Shadow of the Colossus so I know when cameras work against the player. The difference with SotC and FFXV is that I love everything else with one of the games so I'm more forgiving. SotC is also satisfying to play because it's like a puzzle platformer while fighting a giant boss. This game has NO satisfying moments other than when I finally finished it since I don't have to play it anymore.

The only fun I had was when I spent 8 hours fighting That Mountain Boss and hanging out with my sister the whole time.

Reviewed on Oct 14, 2023
