"Honor died on the beach."

Honestly sorta wasn't expecting to like GoT as much as I did when I picked it up, I expected it to be good since Playstation decided to just churn out bangers this generations but damn.

At first glance GoT doesn't honestly do to much new or innovative very much having everything you'd expect in a open world game, however they were smart int his aspect by making these thing not only enjoyable to do or get but by not cramming 500 of them over a 100 mile big map like it's a Ubisoft game.

The little quality to life choices also help like having the wind be your guide keeping the screen from being cluttered and a sore to look at or by reducing the amount of weapons Jin has and giving him stance which is honestly a good thing since you're consistently going into a menu to see what has the best stats breaking the flow of the game.

Also unlike a open world Ubisoft game the world of Tsushima is interesting to explore and absolute gorgeous to look at with not stuttering and SHORT load times which still really baffles me to how they pulled that off.

I also like the story given it's not a traditional one in games as I found myself even questioning Jin's methods as I watched him turn from a Noble Samurai to the honestly scary Ghost all to save his home and honestly the story does a fantastic job looking at this with the use of Jin's uncle Lord Shisuma that's about all I'll say without spoiling things but honestly the story's quality is what surprised me the most.

Game is a solid 4 out of 5 with a extra .5 for the Stand-Off feature which is absolutely dope.

Reviewed on Aug 10, 2020
