TLDR; Amazing JRPG story if you can stomach mid RPGM gameplay and H-scenes (Steam has a censored version that works).

Unexpectedly amazing RPGM game that has lots of care put into the writing, especially with character interactions and worldbuilding. FANTASTIC music from SHADE too, but a decent amount of the music is stock RPGM stuff (some of it is actually pretty good though).

Gameplay is standard RPGM fare unfortunately, but the exploration to find broken gear is done pretty well actually. Combat follows typical magic weaknesses, elemental type, etc., although it does have something similar to the Trails series craft point system to spice things up. It is very easy to break the game's balance in two with certain party members.

The themes of the story are very simple, yet executed extremely well. Loved the exploration on the relationship between two groups, the defeated and the victors, and more abstractly, the "us" vs. "them" mentality towards an unknown group, and how those viewpoints slowly evolve via prejudice, a want for a stable life, and more.

The story and characters start off pretty simplistic, but layers of depth slowly get added onto them as the story gets more and more complex and morally grey. The overall party honestly became one of my favorites in any JRPG, and Deathpolca in particular became one of my all-time favorite JRPG protagonists.

Story pacing is noticeably faster than 90% of JRPGs available now, with interesting developments, plot twists, and wide-sweeping events happening constantly. Not many segments just completely halt all story progression happening (ala Trails into Azure). Even with this fast pacing, the characters still get ample time to develop, alongside the world. One notable weakness in the writing are the villains, they're kind of like Kiseki antagonists (lame).

Elephant in the room in this game is that it is an eroge, meaning lots of H-scenes. The story related ones were pretty bad and felt like they were there to satisfy the eroge quota. R-18 skip exists, which may alleviate this for people who don't like these.

Reviewed on Oct 03, 2023

1 Comment

7 months ago

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7 months ago

@smhomg Mostly just from the very simplistic RPGM combat not being that engaging (maybe NG+ superbosses would fix that), and a decent amount of issues with the production on my end (crackling audio). H-scenes mostly felt like they were there to fill a quota too and didn't fit super organically most of the time. Still fantastic. though.

7 months ago

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