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May 30, 2023

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You already know how much I dislike Sonic the Hedgehog on the Master System and Game Gear and I bet you’re wondering if I also despise its sequel. Well, you’re about to find out!

The first few points I made about the first game apply to the second as well, so let’s just talk about Underground Zone.

Underground Zone Act 1 is actually quite good. For a large portion of a level, you are zooming inside of a cart, which is pretty fun. There are two key aspects of this game that are major improvements from its predecessor. Those two key aspects are the ability to recollect rings and a much longer hitstun timer. These two features alone would’ve made the first game so much better. Anyway, I like Underground Zone Act 1 for its simplicity and speed.

Underground Zone Act 2 is basically the same as Act 1 with a bit more platforming. That’s it.

Underground Zone Act 3 actually has a super neat boss battle. You have to try not to fall into what looks like a squid while avoiding these Eggman balls that will crash into the squid. It’s quite original and I like it. However, it does get a bit repetitive after a while. Now, it’s time for Sky High Zone.

Sky High Zone Act 1 is not too bad until you get to the hang glider segment. It’s so easy to start falling down and it took me so many tries to get it right. Luckily, that’s the last part before the act ends.

Sky High Zone Act 2 has a pretty cool gimmick, which is the clouds. However, there is another hang glider segment near the end of the act and it’s even worse than the one in Act 1. If you try to go fast, you will hit a wall and fall into spikes, so you have to slow down and lower yourself into this pathway with spikes on the floor and ceiling. It took me dozens of tries to finish this part. Other than that, though, this act is fine.

Sky High Zone Act 3 is a pretty cool boss battle. You have to destroy a lot of small birds before facing the main boss. However, it is a bit too easy. Now, I shall talk about Aqua Lake Zone.

Aqua Lake Zone isn’t that bad up until Act 2. In Act 2, you have to enter these bubbles and float upwards until you reach your destination. Along the way, there will be these shrimp enemies called Zaririns trying to attack you and arrows coming from left and right. If you try to go fast to avoid the former, you will probably run into the latter, so it’s best to go slow. This really slows down the gameplay and I don’t like it.

Aqua Lake Zone Act 3 is honestly not that good. At the very beginning, you can run into a spring and get pushed into the water. However, right where you land in the water is a Zaririn. Due to there being a lack of rings, using the aforementioned spring is a death wish. Also, the boss battle is very repetitive and easy. Now, it’s time to talk about Green Hills Zone.

Green Hills Zone is probably my favourite zone in this game. Act 1 and Act 2 are both quite good, albeit basically the same, and it’s only when Act 3 arrives that things get a bit worrying.

Green Hills Zone Act 3 consists of jumping around on springs and a boss battle. The former gets boring and repetitive pretty quickly and so does the latter. Now, it’s time for Gimmick Mountain Zone.

Gimmick Mountain Zone is pure nightmare fuel. Act 1 starts with you trying to get from one spinning wheel to another until you get to the top. However, when you get to the last wheel, do not fling yourself too far or you will land in spikes. This is extremely painful to do and I don’t like it at all. Then, you have to do some platforming on these disks that will push you towards some spikes. After that, you just ride on a cart and the act finishes. Act 2 is basically the same thing but a tad bit worse.

Gimmick Mountain Zone Act 3 has you go on a small platform and just ride it until it starts heading towards spikes. Then, you fight what appears to be a boar. This would be a pretty cool boss battle if it wasn’t super repetitive and didn’t have randomly appearing rocks that can kill you.

Now, I have to admit something. I haven’t actually finished Sonic the Hedgehog 2 on the Master System and Game Gear and probably never will. Do you want to know why? Because of Scrambled Egg Zone Act 1. This act alone makes this a worse game than Sonic the Hedgehog on the Master System and Game Gear. Let me explain why. Basically, the main gimmick of this zone is that you have to go through tunnels to get to your destination. However, you don’t actually know where these tunnels are taking you. They can take you to rings, a platforming segment or a pool of spikes. It takes so long to get where you need to be. After some time, I couldn’t take it anymore and I just gave up, which isn’t something I do a lot. Maybe if I finish this game, I’ll edit this review and give my thoughts on Acts 2 and 3, but until then, I’m done with this stupid fucking game. 1 star.