I'm a complete newbie when it comes to point and click games, especially those not made in the past ten years or so. Beneath a Steel Sky was recommended to me as a good starting point into the classic P&C titles of yesteryears, and I wasn't disappointed, for the most part.

Puzzles are largely logical, requiring a certain level of thought without driving you insane. That being said, there's still a certain level of pixel hunting involved and some relatively easy things to miss. While P&C titles are notorious for 'dead-ends' I didn't come across any during my playthrough; albeit I could just have been very lucky.

Both the soundtrack and voice acting are passable, and graphically it's easy enough on the eye - considering its age. Perhaps my biggest gripe is that I found certain areas of the game fairly tedious, where the story was just a bit too slow for my liking. That being said, I'm sure when I revisit after exploring similar times, I'm sure that opinion may change.

If you're like me and looking for a non-brutal entry point into the P&C genre, this could be just the ticket.

Reviewed on Mar 22, 2021
