Thankfully, unlike Far Harbor, Nuka World released in a functional state. This didn't do much to fix the already-present issues within the core game of Fo4, though...

Nuka-World marked the very end of DLC support for FO4, and it was billed as the most expansive, nutty, and fantastical addition to the game yet. And for the most part, it delivered on that front! But by the time you get to this DLC at the tail-end of the playthrough, you're sick and tired of the looty-shooty adventure of FO4. And here, nothing new is added to the core gameplay of FO4 besides new and interesting locations to shoot new and interesting enemies in. The main story is a joke, the raider factions are unfortunately underdeveloped... but the real draw of this DLC is the world.

Nuka World is unlike anything else in Bethesda's catalogue. The distinct and dense sections of the theme park are fucking fantastic... I love the galactic zone, the wonderland area, and the zoo part. But as I said, these areas are the exact same gameplay affair you've BEEN having in FO4.

There is one distinct addition it provides to the base game, however. And that is the option to... actually be evil! That's too little too late though!

By the time you can even make your way through NW, chances are you've already beaten the main quest, which has zero options for the player who wants to destroy everybody. This makes playing NW feel kind of counter-intuitive, as if you decide to bring the NW raiders into the commonwealth, your allied faction will just hate you. So even in this regard, NW kinda falls flat.

The actual exploration of the DLC is fun though.

Reviewed on Apr 29, 2024
