Yeah, this game really didn't age that well, even after 5 years, with just how many bugs and glitches I could find. Gameplay wise also has some elements in some levels that seem like they were designed to mess with you in terms of taking damage by cheap shots, and the boss fight controls are too slippery and bouncy, making it hard for precise shots. That said, writing-wise it's outstanding. Crow is one of, if not, the best, villains I ever saw, and the other characters are unique and loveable enough to make me go for the true ending. And the gameplay can be fun at times when it comes to traversal and mowing through enemies. I really wise this game had more time to bake, but I do understand just who it's like this, only barely scraping by the Kickstarter goal in the last hour, heck; possibly the last minute, literally. Thankfully, the comic pretty much goes off on the best aspects and expands on these great characters. I say check the comic out, and if you want a nice and quick game to check out relating to these characters, I say give this game a shot.

Reviewed on Dec 08, 2022
