The Binding of Isaac : Rebirth/Repentance (including the DLCs too) is the best Rogue-Like Game out there, and there’s yet a game that is able to surpass it right now. It has beaten every other Rougue-Like game is every possible way, whether it’s from playable character, gameplay, bosses, ost, level design, community and the long list of items.

Playable Characters:

There are 17 normal playable characters and all of them have their own twist, whether if it’s from items they spawn with, or have different stats, others have some disadvantages like Blue Baby and Jacob&Esau. Some characters you try to make sure your red heart is at half heart; because it’ll give you a stat boost. Others make it you can’t get blue/black heart, overall, I see that the normal characters are mostly nice and easy to play with, now for the Tainted versions of the normal characters. The Tainted versions of the normal characters change the gameplay 180 degree, they add new gameplay mechanics and challenges, and sometimes make playing with them more fun than the normal version. A big example is Tainted Keeper, everyone loves playing with him and sometimes people would just play him only, another example of fun is Tainted Bethany, her item now gives you orbital items and can work as a defense just like the normal version, but here it gives you random orbital and that orbital gives you the effect of a random item from the game, it is really fun to play with. Tainted Jacob is more fun to play too! If you want a character that changes how to play the game, then Tainted Cain is for you. To get items now you need to craft them yourself and just keep on a list of how to craft the items you want and craft guide. Trust me when I say that the normal characters that are boring to play with / slow to play with, their Tainted version is more fun and better, except for Blue Baby screw him.

Level Bosses:

There are over 80 non ending bosses (normal level bosses) in The Binding of Isaac : Repentance, some of them spawn on most of the levels/chapters, and others spawn in only a specific chapter like the alternative path bosses (DLC paths: Downpour and the Mine). Each boss has his variant example the same boss you saw one playthrough ago can spawn differently whether his color changed and his attacks either gotten faster or slower, depending on what change has gotten to the boss, or even the boss splits onto two mini variants of him and his heal will be shared 50/50 to both of them, he can even have new attacks. Edmund knew what he was doing when he designed the level/chapter bosses. By the way some bosses like the Poop bosses can be one shotted by using an item that flushes them like a toilet lol, or they can even be one shotted with a card. It’s a nice detail to have.

Ending/Marked Bosses:

There are over 10 bosses that marks your paper/plan on the menu for each playable character! And my god I really love them all, except for Delirium (fuck him) every ending boss has his own fighting pattern and they’re very good! My favorite by far is Dogma, man I love him so much from the design, the fight, and the OST. Not to forget the rest of the bosses you can fight Satan, Mega Satan, Delirium, Isaac, Hush, ect. And their OST oh my god they’re very good! Their design is also good.


The OST is so good in this game, and if you get tired of it there’s also OST mods from the creators of Repentance! I’ll say it again the OST is very good. There’s nothing to add up.


This game has lots of Mods, whether they’re OST mods, Playable characters mod, retexture sprites/stuff, and even making it a whole new game. The mods in this game are incredible! There AntiBirth OST mod and man I really love it!
There are Daily challenge runs that can be played by turning off all of your mods, it’s a nice way to see how good you are and how fast you can finish the challenge against other players.
There’s also an Online mod feature that as of writing right now the feature has been disabled and yet to fully release, but I trust Edmund and his team to release it perfectly!


There are over 500 items in this game and all of them make a change to your build/run. An item can decide the fate of your run and how you play, an item can make you play carelessly (can literally one shot all bosses), other item would make you change your play to be strategic and try to take the least damage as much as possible. Some items work as trinkets or cards/pills that can be used any time in the run or can be replaced with some other items.
There are also transformations from having 3 specific items, there are more than 3 transformations on the game one of the popular transformations is “Guppy” it makes you get flies and fly over blocks and spikes, and it’s really useful. Something very important to mention.

The Binding of Isaac: Repentance is literally the best Rougue-Like out there, and it has the best replayability out there! I recommend it to everyone who wants an addicting game and actually fun to play!


Reviewed on Jul 03, 2024
